- May Musings -
COMING OUT OF OUR COCOONS (aka slow socializing!)

I don’t know about, you but I have had mixed feelings about this one! While I am beyond excited to see my friends again (I have missed you all so much!), I have occasionally had bouts of social anxiety tying me in knots, and sending me down what I like to call, a covid spiral. I think there are two layers to this - the first is that we are by no means out of the danger zone just yet and the second is that i’m not sure i’m ready to let go of this quieter, more balanced lifestyle that me and my body have become so used to. Here are my three tips for navigating this confusing transition to a busier lifestyle.
1. Say no. Say it out loud with me! ‘No!’. You don’t need a reason to turn down an invite from a friend if you are not ready yet or you just didn’t feel like it when you woke up this morning. Your friend will thank you as when you eventually do say yes, you will be much more relaxed, assured of your decision + better company!
2. Set an intention. If you do decide to step out of the cocoon for social time, try to imagine in advance how you’d like to spend this time. How would you like to feel when you get there? How would you like to feel when you get home? Any time you feel a bit uncomfortable or anxious, grab a few minutes to yourself, take a few deep breaths and remember the intention you set.
3. Pace yourself. (I may be speaking from experience here). We have been so starved of fun gatherings, that when you find yourself in one again, and the maragaritas are flowing, it’s so easy to get caught up in the buzz and get carried away with how much you’re drinking. Remember that your body may not have the same tolerance as it didn’t c. late 2019, so drink water in between alcoholic beverages, and turn away that one friend who is always too keen to dish out the top-ups!

W E A R:
We had an epic photoshoot last week and want to give a special shout out to HarleyJae Clothing and Rachel Rosalie Jewelry for getting involved! If you haven't heard of these amazing brands, the time is now.
C R E A T E:
Last year, we did an amazing team building workshop with Elisa Valentine. Her 'Pen & Paint' (Poetry and Art) Workshop was so expansive and such a cathartic experience!
L I S T E N:
Into the Wild podcast - episode 91 with Kurt Russo. Kurt has been working on environmental issues, land preservation and treaty rights with the Lummi Nation of the Salish Sea for 40 years. This is his heart wrenching call to action to look after the Orcas or the 'people under the sea'.
with botanical love,
Somerset Moss x