
Samantha Miles-Mackay

June Musings - Sam's top tips for trying Breathwork

1. MIST MAGIC As the temperatures rise and dehydration kicks in, the Facial Mist really comes into its own. The botanical essences truly smell like a burst of an earthy English garden…some even say it’s addictive. It has got a hero list of ingredients including: + Hyaluronic Acid - ok we've all heard about this one but it really is worth the buzz! This awesome ingredient is capable of holding 100 times its own weight in water - it plumps the skin and creates luminosity ✨  + Aloe - this ingredient is hydrating and also very calming. Perfect for the days when you're feeling a little flushed or...

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Samantha Miles-Mackay

May Musings - Sam's top tips for coming out of our cocoons (aka slow socialising!)

  - May Musings - SAM'S TOP TIPS FOR..COMING OUT OF OUR COCOONS (aka slow socializing!) I don’t know about, you but I have had mixed feelings about this one! While I am beyond excited to see my friends again (I have missed you all so much!), I have occasionally had bouts of social anxiety tying me in knots, and sending me down what I like to call, a covid spiral. I think there are two layers to this - the first is that we are by no means out of the danger zone just yet and the second is...

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Samantha Miles-Mackay

April musings - Sam's top tips for tuning into your monthly rhythm

 - April Musings -  SAM'S TOP TIPS FOR.. TUNING INTO YOUR MONTHLY RHYTHM Are you ready for a deep dive? Let's start thinking about our monthly cycle as a guide and not a hindrance! If we gain more of an understanding about the different phases (just like seasons or the moon), we will be able to flow with our cycles and anticipate our naturally fluctuating productivity, energy levels and moods. Which weeks will we feel like wonder woman and which weeks will we want to stay in our PJs all day long? M E N S T R U A...

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Samantha Miles-Mackay

March Musings - Sam's top tips for getting a good night's sleep

1. Are you suffering from 'macne' too?! Have you experienced blemished skin after a long day of wearing your mask? Ohhh the woes of macne (mask + acne)! The mixture of heat and friction can lead to unwanted breakouts. Good news! Each of the Somerset Moss products are multi-purpose, so the Somerset Moss Facial Mist can also be used as a toner! As soon as you take off your mask, spritz a generous helping onto a damp cotton wool pad and wipe over the surface of the skin to cleanse + exfoliate. Don't forget to pop your mask in the laundry right away!  2. Sam's Top Tips...For...

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